Sunday, April 17, 2011

prezi love

i really wish we could have some sort of thesis proposal share-fest for all the first-year mat/maaes. i've gotten to talk to some of you about your projects, and everything is so cool and interesting that i just want to know more.

i thought i should mention that thanks to this class, i ended up doing a prezi for the panel. i got some good but tough feedback during the panel, and i have a lot of rethinking/rewriting to do, but i still love how my presentation looked.

i wanted to take advantage of the fact that you can embed prezis (cool, right?) to post it here, but for some reason blogger does not want me to embed something that's not a downloaded or youtube-d video. so, if you want to take a look, you can find it on my tumblr.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got a chance to use Prezi for your presentation! Now that you finished your 1st year presentation, definitely tinker with your thesis during the summer. It really helps you in preparing for Fieldwork and especially thesis 2.
